What is a GUI?

A GUI (Graphical User Interface) is a visual interface that allows users to interact with a computer or software through graphical elements like windows, buttons, icons, and menus, making it easier to perform tasks by clicking and dragging instead of using text-based commands.

Tools & Frameworks Used

  • Python - A friendly versatile computer language for web development and data analysis.
  • Tkinter - Tkinter is a Python library for building desktop application user interfaces.
  • Turtle - Turtle is a Python library for creating simple graphics and drawings using a turtle-like cursor that you can control with code.

Student Database GUI

Using Python's Tkinter library, this prgram creates a GUI for a student database. It offers features to modify records and to filter and sort data. Student details are read from/written to "Student_Database.txt" and shown in a table via the ttk.Treeview widget. Users can manage data, filter by GPA and DOB, and interact through designated buttons and fields in the GUI.

Student Database GUI Image