What is a Shell/Terminal?

A shell or terminal is a text-based interface for your computer, where you input commands. It allows you to manage tasks, from opening files to automation, all through typing. Despite its simple appearance, it's an effective tool for everyday computer tasks, even if you're not tech-savvy.

Tools & Frameworks Used

  • C - A foundational and widely used programming language for building software.
  • Git - Version control for code collaboration.
  • Linux Ubuntu - A popular and user-friendly operating system.

Shell/Terminal Replica

I teamed up with a colleague to create a special kind of computer tool that works like a familiar Linux terminal. We built it using a computer language called C on an Ubuntu Linux system. Our goal was to make it do all the important things a real terminal does, like understanding and running commands, connecting different commands together, and handling tasks happening in the background. We worked hard to make sure it worked really well, testing it with more than 500 different tests to make sure it was dependable. It passed 99% of those tests, so it's a pretty reliable tool.

Shell/Terminal Image